Jewfro Tull

maybe they got it mixed up with Costello's "Accidents Will Happen", the lyrics of which are briefly mouthed by one of the kids in E.T.

well, I guess I'm alone in thinking that it was an excellent choice. I thought it was unexpected, but made sense, and it changed the dynamic between the characters (which you have to do after 8 years) but in ways that were still funny.

Chandler & Monica
Friends deserves another mention because of the Monica and Chandler relationship, which not only didn't ruin the show, it seemed to give it a second wind in its later years.

I haven't watched Moonlighting since it aired 20 years ago, and I don't plan to. It was good and I was hooked back then, but something tells me it will have aged very, very badly.

what if "the house" means Heaven?

I've always read that as a simple warning about barns, and the entering of them.

So how do you explain the fact that most pro-suicide songs are good and most anti-suicide songs are bad, in light of the widely accepted notion that not committing suicide is, in reality good, while committing suicide is, based on what I've heard, bad.

jesus K Reist
I don't know what you people are all being so fucking snarky about. This looks pretty good to me.

OK here goes…
I hated Polar Express, but I liked Beowulf, and I think the trailer for Christmas Carol looks good, so.. I like this idea. Seriously. I think it's a good idea, and I look forward to seeing it. Really.

I think this looks great, just not as a comedy. More like a twisted psychological thriller.

Well, I just meant that "Velvet Glove" seems almost tailor made for Lynch, so why bother? Where's the challenge in it for him?

OK, sorry that was a terrible example, how about "it would be like Dylan covering "(You've Got To) Hide Your Love Away". Wait, I'll bet he actually did that. Shit.

Clowes & Lynch
Don't you think a Lynch-directed "Like A Velvet Glove" would just a bit be too "on the nose"?

I believe I read a few years ago that a Gilliam "Good Omens" was in development.

Sign that it was made in 1977:

great interview!
so good to see that he talked about "Simon" - it's one of my favorite films, if not my absolute favorite, and a kind of lost gem, I think.

Max Wright was also in "Simon"

you're just way too angry at people who don't know stuff that you know.

Casket jack,

pure at heart,