Jewfro Tull

OK, those are all good answers. Thank you.

but how?

Yeah, I mean someone explain to me the process by which a song gets on to an iPod without the owner knowing about it. Honestly, WTF?

Nelly Furtado and Seattle
the blurb lines got switched between this and Random Rules

possible cause of death
have the authorities ruled out a severe trauma to the head, consistent with banging?

you should open an emporium, because apparently anybody can have one nowadays.

Well, then that would make him just as unimaginative as the screenwriter.

kids will know this is lame
The title says so much about what to expect.

Is that how to spell it? Seriously. How would you spell it? Ha-Hull? Huh-Hull?

Spaced, Region capability, etc
I'd just like to point out to anyone out there bummed because there won't be a region 1 edition of Spaced that region coding is easily hacked, and in fact is a completely unneccessary conceit.

Thank you for your insightful critique.

Thanks AV Club
Thanks for answering my question (the one about liquid light shows). I'm especially grateful now that I see how many poor bastards got the ol' screwgie.

I can't tell if you're serious or sarcastic, but…

You know what's cretinous - condescendingly posting an entire book into a comment box, and not thinkng that it might be poor netiquette to do so.

the entire text of Pinocchio
Well now we know how many characters a comment box will accept - a whole lot, apparently.

I recall the SNL sketch where Ray Roamno plays Begnini going berzerk in a restaurant to the delight of the patrons.

Mr F
Mentally Retarded Female?

and y'know I wouldn't even mind the Tiger Beat casting if I thought they'd have the balls to stick with the original production design.

I don't like this. They're Smallville-izing Star Trek - casting young, mostly hunky guys in hopes of attracting a younger audience. Phooey!

to D R Foster
Thank you DR Foster for taking an intelligent view of the nature of comedy, and creativity in general.