I wish I could find the (I think it was the Microsoft songsmith program) version that was a goth style cover of “God Only Knows”.
I wish I could find the (I think it was the Microsoft songsmith program) version that was a goth style cover of “God Only Knows”.
Long live Brian Wilson’s genius and Pet Sounds. Mike Love’s reaction to the album: “Who’s gonna hear this shit? The ears of a dog?” Fuck that guy.
I’m in Texas today (mentally, not physically). Here’s Natalie Mains dad Lloyd with Terri Hendrix doing “Hand Me Down Blues”. This song has really grown on me, the melody is so, so pretty.
Sometimes Monday is just Monday.
You should see my balls.
I like this version of “Sign O the Times”.
As long as there’s still 1 ‘best fan’ reading these articles, and irked enough to comment and subsequently cry into their morning cereal, we will push forward. To the very last! Best series in baseball.
“Why did the Cardinals lose? Because Michael. Waka Waka Waka!”
For all the red hot mamas out there, here’s Parliament.
Happy Mother’s Day. Fuck you Martin Shkreli.
Happy Mother’s Day.
It’s crazy to me about the double standard people hold for athletes. A kid tweets out something stupid and it’s “Character concerns” and “maturity issues.” A full grown man tweets out some piss baby rant and it’s “Kids these days need to toughen up!”
This comment should be printed out and hung in a museum. Fantastic Kinja!
Nonsensical Kinja.