Well that’s a stupid take. But considering your handle I assume you are the child diddler
Well that’s a stupid take. But considering your handle I assume you are the child diddler
I am so mad at him. I went from watching his show, listening to his podcast, etc. Now I realize he’s just like “every” other man & takes advantage of females. I’m over him
My dad would be turning 106 this year. He called it hemp rope. I mean, is that what they called it in the 20s?!?!?
I am vegan/vegetarian, I am not driving thru anything. I’ll be going to Vegas next month & my gf wants to stop at White Castle so I’ll get a veggieburger there, but otherwise I don’t do fast food. I do buy Impossible & Beyond at other eateries, but ya, no drive-thrus for me.
I was in Dana Point on Sunday I was like, “this is beautiful, can we please move here?” Except the whole day I was there I didn’t see one black person. I said to my mom “I love it here but so not culturally diverse.” She didn’t get it. She’s voting for Trump a 2nd time :(
You are a moron
Bambi. I saw it in the theater when I was a kid & it wrecked me. Probably why I became vegan
It’s totally bad faith, they know that, we know that, everyone should know that. I’m so sick of the trolls just saying shit to get everyone riled up that is soooooooooooo not true.
That was this past weekend?!?!?!? DANG IT! I keep missing it. My kids love a couple of those YouTube shows. They would die to meet their “heroes” FG TV, Daily Bumps & Sneak Attack Squad
And now the trolls are dragging Omar on Twitter saying she loves Al Qadea cause she didn’t say she hated them when asked.
If Epstein gets off again I’m going to....shit, I don’t know. But how am I supposed to continue to live in a world where this can continue?!?!?????
The doctor chihuahua in your icon asked to be removed from your account. You’re embarrassing him
I have tried my hardest to put a pic of Seth Eklund here but you guys won’t accept a picture no matter what. Is something going on with inserting images?
I would bet my life on her being a psychopath/sociopath. From all I’ve read over the years, I believe being a lawyer is a high draw for them, for various reasons. Anyone ever read Confessions of a Sociopath?
Hey Donna!!! (there’s NO WAY she has friends)
Funny this got posted. Just yesterday I was driving and saw a cop run a stop sign...no sirens or nothing...thank god another car wasn’t going thru the intersection. I said “that cop just ran that stop sign & didn’t even have his sirens on” & my 5 year old in the back says “cops can do whatever they want”. He’s 5 &…
This is EXACTLY what Putin wanted. Chaos in America.
We can only hope he gets killed in prison
But he is a flight risk so WTF are you talking about?!?!?!?!?!!?!?
But only because of Armageddon!!!