This one! It’s not fair. So you don’t see it so you don’t have to clean it? You don’t care about your clothes on the floor & dishes in the sink so you don’t have to do it? How is this fair?!?!?!?!
This one! It’s not fair. So you don’t see it so you don’t have to clean it? You don’t care about your clothes on the floor & dishes in the sink so you don’t have to do it? How is this fair?!?!?!?!
my mom taught me nothing....but she wasn’t taught it’s tradition
What the hell is wrong with mothers?!?!?!?!?
This could have been a longer, more in-depth article. I think this was just something thrown out there...clickbait perhaps?
I was just about to type the same thing. All they did was talk.
The first time I used a tampon (OB brand), I left THE WHOLE THING in there. I didn’t realize that the cotton part was supposed to get pushed in & then you pull the cardboard out. Talk about uncomfortable.
I would say they were when they started. But then they got bought out and had to make more money so they’re now Feminist Lite.....very Lite
How dare she say how she felt! She made money!
Well, that’s all I needed to hear. Will not be trying the Impossible Burger at any drive thrus. I mean, I don’t wanna support crappy fast food anyway, this just seals the deal. FU Burger King!
My principles are more important then anything. ANYTHING. Screw food, a roof & the lights. I mean it. I AM my principles. Am I the only one who looks at life this way?
That is the REAL story. That instead of quality treatment, they let her die. If these conservative “news” sites were really concerned about humans, they would be talking about this, not making up fake news.
Just watching this makes me feel sick. I feel so bad for her. I would of probably had a heart attack & died.
I have 1,000 FLOWERS....I guess I’m an influencer!!! :D
Really? Cause when I eat MSG I get a headache & get tired. That’s why I don’t want it
Mom, is that you?
I still remember that movie if only for the cutting everyone in half scene. Best part of the movie
I’m giving you a star just cause I don’t think I’ve ever seen a longer response to something on here.
PUH-LEAZE. The Simpsons is STILL some of the best shit on tv. Of course not every show is going to rock it. But it’s still great as far as I’m concerned. And I’m the one that counts :)
This was a show that I was crazy about, bought magazines specifically about the show for goodness sake. Then season 2 happened. Heroes was one of the biggest disappointments EVER