Liberte for le Jetstar!

I have a feeling they're one chip away from 500+ HP.

Oh sad day!

Shouldn't 6th gear be 5th gear?

I like my Everglades and bayou swamps in a natural state, thank you very much.

"I'm not sure any of the upsides of banning leaded fuel are sufficient to make up for the loss of solid lifter V8s that could clatter their ass up to 7,000 rpm and then explode in spectacular fashion."

Growing sugarcane is very environmentally-destructive, mainly because the soil you need for it is only found in tropical regions and is easily depleted. If you look at what has happened to the Everglades, with the draining and the pollution, sugarcane doesn't look too good.

4) Not to mention how god-awful carburetors are at everything, compared to fuel injection*.

It was meant as a joke.

Dude, East Germany and West Germany are different countries. Those West German "pieces of junk" seem to last a long time.

Putting your comment in a blender produces an awesome smoothie: a 455-powered Ferrari.

You're forgetting three

But why would anybody buy this when you can buy 100 of these?

Because new cars have never been owned by someone else. You're popping its cherry first time you do a donut in a 7-11 parking lot.

I'm buying the Cortina, now just to do donuts on your lawn.

427 Cammer: the only reasonable response.

"Oh, you dented my fender, that's cute, now my turn!"

Even though it's the oldest unrestored Mini, it needs to pass the torch on and be restored. For an unrestored car to be special, it has to have survived all those years and still be in a very presentable condition, looking something like a ten-year old used car. Something that just looks right. Patina isn't

The big GM B-bodies are great cars if you look past modern objective measurements.

A Super turbine 300, which sounds a lot cooler than it is (a two-speed automatic).

My 1964 Oldsmobile Jetstar 88. So far, after 4 years of driving, I've piled 25,000 miles on the 209,000 it already had. I've had to replace a grenaded engine, collapsed suspension, and, more recently, a self-destructive axle.