Liberte for le Jetstar!

Because you get about $200 for scrap.

Armored Dog Division standing by.

Honestly, if you can't set the pre-lash on your car's differential gears, you shouldn't be allowed to drive.

No comment.

I hear leaded gasoline goes down smoother, but'll foul your bladder.

I drink power steering fluid to stay flexible.


Lemon Meringue?

I think we need a "Ten worst things car shows do to themselves" next, for all the crap music comments.

I think of Pearson and Petty's crash at the 1976 Daytona 500.

Torta di Ricotta versus kidney pie.

If you end up unable to sell it because of flood damage, look on the bright side: It's two steps closer to an original Mini.

You just ain't cut out for Mini ownership if you can't take the occasional catastrophic failure in stride.

Because you feel pimpalicious doing it.

I think Hemmings could buy it as well, they seem to have a pool of cool old cars the company owns.


Oh there's rust in Florida alright...

But do we really have to keep the Panhandle?

The worst thing for me, personally: Somebody walks up to my car. They say "nice Chevy" or "is that an Impala?"
