Liberte for le Jetstar!

God I hope the 944 turbo makes it...

I think the question was what car, not what truck, SUV, or quasi-military vehicle.

The age of 5:1 compression ratios!

Porsche Panamera, because not only does it have quite a selection of engines, a very capable chassis and AWD, but it's also huge, heavy, and it would be wrong not to take the chance to destroy one.

Uh-oh, new dream car.

Seville=EFI-powered Olds 350 standard=Ultimate junkyard find (for me)


You say that until you see the interior.

Isn't the E30 touring the holy grail of non-M BMWs over here?

Somebody was watching over it.

Just another thing to break in the hoopty-ass 2015 Cadillac of the future.

Do you love the new BMW 5-series in every way except price? Do you utterly HATE split grilles? Do you dream of 5-series' humping 1953 Buick Roadmasters? Miss the Kia Amanti?

I have to throw my vote in for the Triumph Dolomite Sprint. Personally, I think it's a neat little car, and a great alternative to the BMW 2002. First mass-produced car with a 4-valve cylinder head and alloy wheels standard. 130-ish horsepower (again, BL quality) out of 122 cubic inches (2 litres) was quite a bit of

Well, other than the fact that the 'vette is just as fast as the Lexus and costs a third as much.

I pity the flatheaded fools.


My god! The poors can buy cars now!

I bet that's the first things that came to the dissident's minds while being rounded up.

Today in automotive history: Oldsmobile!

Stop making me want an '80s BMW!