Liberte for le Jetstar!

But if i were to stand for irrational, shouldn't it have a carburetor?

I bet you can get a manual in Europe, and besides, it's a big German luxury autobahn bomber.

And the same length on both sides....

Old NASCAR is actually very jalop.

7. Create a sentence using these 6 words. Bonus points if humorous.

Everyone here has wayfarers. It's horrible. Lately, i've also seen those padded polyester jacket/vest things return as well.


Oooh, I second that.

It pains me to think one of my dream cars has a 1% chance of being stolen. Better get back in my bubble.

Bring back Murilee Martin!

M59s have better balance, as well. Now if only I could get an East German SKS...

I spy, with my little eye, a Yugoslavian SKS.

Oh no! 50 double-barrel shotguns and Lee-Enfields! Protect the children!

Add $10,000 to undo what has been done.

That was one of the big points about Range Rovers. independent suspension with a lot of travel.

Back to Autoblog with you.

"I do swerve for children"

The old Toronados and Eldorados also had a longitudinal layout, but the engine basically sat next to the transmission.

Swing axles!