Wombling Wombat

“When I drift off, I will dream about you. It’s always you,”

Everyone who was burned by Bethesda with Fallout76 cheered in unison. Not gonna lie, I need this game in my veins

Good to know Bethesda can finally relax since the modders are finally getting off their asses to fix their game for them. Hopefully this will give Bethesda more free time to count the non-refundable monies obtained through 76's sales.

Nobody is ridiculing the child, we are ridiculing the parent. Stop trying to eliminate shame from our world, we won’t be better off without it.

I completely agree with the mom... under no circumstance should the child be shamed for her name, it’s not something she has ever had control over.

Gives her child a stupid-ass name.

Maybe don’t name your child something moronic if you don’t want yourself (and your child) ridiculed for the rest of their life. And this from a guy who named his son after his favorite Top Gear presenter.

My first though here too. This doesn’t make either of us horrible people, but that mother? She’s a horrible person for burdening her daughter with a laughably stupid first name.

I’m not going to lie. I laughed when I read the headline and SW should not be made to apologize.

Edit to add:  If she was mocking the name it’s different than laughing at the name.  The article above is unclear.

This woman needs to have her child taken away from her for the child’s sake. 

Your points are well founded, but I don’t believe its nearly as black and white as you claim and there are several reasons why:

Trump does plenty of dumb shit, but IMO, this (the Chicken Tax debate) is not a good fight to pick. It’s not hard to make an argument for the Chicken Tax if you ignore all externalities... Which you can absolutely count on his base to do:

driving an unsafe vehicle is one of the worst decision someone can take.

Never change $kay.

That’s a troubled bridge over water.

“The Lincoln Aviator has the Best Gimmick”...

Maybe I am missing something, but it sure as heck looks to me like the Dark SUV is the aggressor here and the white SUV was just caught up in it. this was not a two assholes situation.

I really only see one asshole. White SUV driver may have made a mistake (several) in pulling in front of the black car, but other than that I see one car trying to run the other off the road, and the white SUV trying to get away from someone who is clearly not right in the head.

The guy who posted the video might qualify as well considering he just had to advertise to everyone he owns a Tesla by putting it in the title of the video.

Well done guys. Great article