Just another example of Californication and why most people cannot wait for California to slide into the ocean.
Just another example of Californication and why most people cannot wait for California to slide into the ocean.
I have nothing politically correct to say. and I do not want to offend.
The new Olympic Sport: Car Skiing.
I was just wondering if they’re now going to up the towing capacity of the Tesla...
As studies go, this is next to “What happens when whales defecate.”
Mildly good is better than Discovery good anyday.
I’m thinking that if you really have trouble doing this test rig justice you’d have plenty of volunteers to help you out.
Remember, these are the guys that designed the Ford Pinto and the Chevrolet Vega... One exploded on contact and one rusted in the showroom...
I love that car.
I like the AMC Eagle, but I think the Chev. Vega
So what I am seeing is that the engine is in the front, which will allow the IRS program to make it look like a car. That follows the Merkiva’s design, giving added protection up front and freeing the rear for a number of loads, which included ambulance, with a minimum of fuss.
Maybe so.
Just a small reminder.... This story started when Obama was President.
The one thing forgotten is demographics, that is which audience is more desirable than the other. For instance 18-25, not very due to perceived lack of disposable income, the same can be said for the over 59 crowd.
A stronger P-value would help in the study of climatology.
Nothing about the article. The picture made me hope this was going to be about a remake of the movie It or Them! That is until I read the headline.
I have Irish Dexter which can top out at about 600 pounds on the hoof.
Two things...