Bob : ‘Shit! Get down! What the hell dinosaur is that?!’
Bob : ‘Shit! Get down! What the hell dinosaur is that?!’
You aren’t like those conservatives who speak for family values while cheating with their male intern and covering up the abortion they forced their secretary to get? Do you secretly love cats? It’s just very suspicious how anti-cat you are.
He means, calling the current Deus Ex games Open world is dumb because they are nothing more than a few hubs you can wander around in, but nothing like actual open world games like the Witcher etc.
The decision not to localise it was Warner Bros fault, not Microsoft. I see it all the time. No one can tell the diferrence between DEVELOPER...AND PUBLISHER. That’s like when people said EA ruined Battlefield 4. EA didn’t screw it up, DICE did.
I’m not sure if this comment is elsewhere here, I’m writing in a rush before I head out; but, I think Jon Stewart might have encapsulated the spirit of this pizza best when he said, “it looks like a bunch of uncircumcised Italian men circle-jerking onto a pizza.”
How did you come up with your burner name? We all know you’re secretly a middle-aged woman who thinks there’s too much violence on TV, everyone drives too fast, and those kids won’t stay off your lawn.
Latest generation has the best access to information humanity has ever had. Refuses to use it any fashion to look up dates and compare. Yay!
or a screen shot of sleeping dogs
Maybe his tires weren’t properly inflated.
Pedophilia doesn't seem like such an arbitrary line to me.
You know, at DeviantArt, this is considered tame (and sensible!)
I disagree with you. It seems like you desire something different than what he’s attempting. His 5 minute reflective playthroughs are to a review what a sketch is to a painting : Similar exercises using very similar techniques but with very different values and goals. I am glad he is not attempting a review. When I…
to be honest I never watch them for the game, It’s just fun to hear Mike talk/rant :3
In all honesty, that is a better excuse for a motivation to be a hero than most JRPGs.
I just want to point something out: though I’m hesitant to tell people what they should or shouldn’t criticize, I think it’s... misguided to complain or worry about Fallout 4’s graphics right now. What’s more important is that this trailer looks real, which is more than we could say for all the bullshots and CGI…
If I choose not to decide I still have made a choice. Dammit. Now I have to load Rush on my phone, and then take it off a couple hours later when I’ve had enough Rush.
If my video drives sales for this game there is something seriously wrong with video game consumers.
Behind the scenes at Kotaku: To get that screenshot of all seven of the cats, I had to spend a surprising amount of time walking around and chasing them into a single shot. I believe that’s the first time I’ve ever actually herded cats in a video game.
You know, you could have just said “I haven’t played the game” and conveyed the exact same “input” without all the rambling.
I pity the fool that hasn't seen a black man with a Mohawk and black leather boots.