it's not a Bay film... he's producing. That's like saying Transformers is a Spielberg film
I find it kinda ironic you mock gamers for pointing out superiority of one console if everything you do is the same with your beloved PC, including the stupid and untrue laptop comparison.
"I already know I don't like Homestarrunner and, despite comedy being subjective, I'm still going to comment in the thread about how stupid it is in the hopes of making somebody else feel bad about liking something I don't like! I am a sad individual that can only find a shred of personal validation when attempting to…
way to dodge the point since you don't have a response, pretty typical foxbot response. How is Fox not considered a main stream media outlet again?
While I'm not a fan of the idea of switching cars from steering wheels to joysticks, I have to disagree with you on sheer principle.
I'm curious as to his age. I wonder if he's just a teenager. You know - hasn't learned the right social skills yet. And of course, some never do regardless of gender. Anyway, he's obviously awkward with girls. Now that ended up on the internet, coupled with a slew of people threatening/flaming him. Kind of scary stuff…
Now if only we had the broadband network (in the US) to support this supposed "glorious digital future".
As a master pedant, I have no need.
I don't know what a joke is!- KaMai, 2/14/2014
Which...I dunno, kind of makes it all look a bit silly, no? Call me a fake space combat purist, but the ballet moves of the prequel trilogy seemed as fake and boring as the rest of the flicks; overly-choreographed and using spins to make up for a lack of gravitas (or acting ability).
Spewing impotent death-threat vitriol because a video game disappoints you? No, I don't think that's fair at all. I don't think it's "passion" either. I think it's a sign someone lacks proper social skills and needs therapy.
Hello, I like this movie too much. There is, I think, one shot at the most in the final film where the eyesockets are visible. Most of the knowledge of this comes from behind-the-scenes and promo photos that were taken from other angles than the camera. For the most part, without those behind the scenes shots it'd…