
DmC has been sold for around 740,000 copies, and that's for the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC versions combined. That's not selling well, isn't it? Although other sources says it's been sold 1.1 millions copies, and that's not selling well either, well at least in my humble opinion... I can't deny that DmC is getting positive

Oh come on, buying a console isn't like "burning all my money in a furnace", that's a ridiculous thing to say.

Here is a video of it from a Chinese TV station. They even poke it in the fridge, it's fantastic ;P

Hell no, Anthology. Possibly with different directors for each interview/story. Now THAT would have been an amazing movie.

Only problem I have with BL2 is how absurdly long it takes to progress your character to a point at which the game is no longer a painful grind. I'd love to check out Krieg or the Mechromancer, or even some of the main characters I haven't messed with (Axton, really), but I can't really bring myself to sink that kind

PS4 doesn't have backwards compatibility either.

You know, the more I ponder the Xbox One, the more I really just can't get over the no backwards compatibility hurdle. To the point that even if they fix all the other issues, it would still be a no buy. Maybe that's just the feeling of the moment, or maybe it'll stick... either way, it sucks. :/

Because the only people whining about it are avid gamers, i.e. the people who read sites like Kotaku. So far everyone who doesn't play games that I talk to says that it sounds cool. Then I have some gamer friends who are also looking forward to it. Easily 40%.