
Watch the video. It might be hard to tell from text, but it was a joke.

Where did you get that idea? I said the joke was offensive.

Hold on, guys. That Bachmann quote is a joke. It's a stupid, unfunny, inappropriate joke, but she doesn't actually think God sent natural disasters as a message to curb deficit spending.

The MLK children have made hundreds of thousands of dollars licensing their father's speeches and image. Most of the money was taken from charities. In contrast, when MLK won the Nobel Prize, he refused to keep the money, donating all of it to the civil rights movement.

Because a lot of people were probably wondering if Gizmodo would post it. I know I was anyway.

Haha, yeah, I realized that about 30 minutes later while I was working on something else. No more mental division with microwatts at 6:45 in the morning for me.

Cellphones draw about half a watt on average, so you would need 5000 of these things just to cancel that out.

Do you see a box with a bunch of buttons on it, to record your TV viewing habits?

On my first day at the telegraph office, after I had tapped out 'S-T-O-P' a thousand times, I would pitch the idea of simply using an 'X' instead.

I'm really surprised telegrams never evolved some sort of markup standard. Early typewriters had punctuation keys; why not designate some improbable character combinations for those keys?

Agreed. How many voters want things to stay the same? How many candidates run for office hoping to keep things the same? How many world leaders do keep things the same?

You are on Gizmodo, a site that regularly bases articles on articles from the Daily Mail and, in the case of this article, The Big Site of Amazing Facts. Seriously, that site is one of the sources for this article.

Two interesting tidbits from Wikipedia:

It's a neat idea, but it was so carelessly executed. Here it is done properly: [] (Ignore the mess to the left.)


He probably had a mattress full of old $100 bills.

That is clearly a seagull.

According to Wikipedia, '"Unready" is a mistranslation of Old English unræd (meaning bad-counsel) – a twist on his name "Æthelred" (meaning noble-counsel). A better translation would be Redeless - without counsel (Rede).'

A police department makes a common sense decision to save taxpayer money, something other departments have been doing since 1991, and that's a sign of Middle America crumbling?
