
“For characters who appeared in all three games, like Liara, Garrus, Kaiden, Captain Anderson, and more, we maintained slight changes throughout the trilogy as they aged, matured, hit by a rocket,”

Based on the gameplay, looks like there’s some Gears of War in there too.

Eh... come on. The uproar was not a bunch of people simply saying it sucked without saying why. People wrote volumes of what they didn’t like and it fed into some of the things Bioware ended up changing, such as answering what happens to Shepard’s squad during the beam run. Why the Normandy left. And what happens

Most of what I read where people made actual arguments is that the Mass Effect series spent three games worth of narratives carrying the effects from your decisions and making it feel like what you did had a real bearing in what was happening, and railroaded you into really narrow sets of circumstances that

Oy vey. You know you can get not-deep-dish in Chicago, right? Most of us eat that very rarely. 


Ater the Bowser article I don’t even know anymore. We’ll have to check with Ash to determine whether or not this is hot.

I’m excited for Godzilla Vs. Kong but we all know how it will end. Kong will be near death, with Godzilla about to deliver the coup de grace, but then Kong will say “Mothra... and ‘Zilla will be like “WHY DID YOU SAY THAT NAME?!” and then they’ll be friends.

The start date of development has been publicly known for years though. CDPR literally made an official statement that development wouldn’t start until they were finished with The Witcher 3 and its DLC. Putting out the teaser so early is the only thing making it seem like it’d been in development for 8 years when it

I’ve mentioned this up-thread but Jerykk has a history of saying a lot of regressive nonsense to the point of it being suspect. He’s complained about people making murals for George Floyd because he had a criminal background and thinks liberals are the same as the alt right. It’s likely he’s arguing in bad faith.

1) It was one of the first, if not the very first, photo of ray tracing that they released (the three vending machine/billboards with emissive lights on a reflective floor). They promoted it very widely. I do not know, nor do I care to try and find out the “percentage of screenshots” or “duration of all the trailers”

If you want to take the cynical (but not necessarily untrue) route, sure.

Play as force mage. The most fun in this game (IMHO).

Health bars? Naw rag-doll them until they become loot piles.

RIP Amazing Randy.

Dude, no one cares. No one! Bye! Bye! Hit the bricks. You will not be missed. Go to ign, they welcome a fellow complainer. Go full HAM bout SJWs and PC police and to keep politics outta your video’ll get like 20 thumbs up from fellow people talking bout censorship. You’ll get many a virtual back rub from

“I lived them, it wasn’t so bad” - probably because you’re the exact type of person Reagan and his administration liked - a white, straight, neurotypical , middle class American man. I know it’s the big scary no-no word these days, but y’know what that’s called? Privilege. It’s best you start recognizing you lived a

This wasn’t a review, and the shit that Reagan did during his administration was abominable, and that’s just how he dealt with the AIDS crisis alone. Beyond that, his bass-ackwards economic polices, proven not to work and since been deemed a failure by the fucking architect of the policy are still somehow considered

The way I hollered when i found out he and isabela basically wrote friendfic!!

she should have won for Arrival, wasn’t even nominated :(