
I wasn’t really around the last time this sort of thing happened so could someone who was or has some insight to it explain,

A) What sort of short and long term impact it has on the current fans? Did everyone in LA keep supporting the Rams when they moved out the first time or did they all go for the next closest

I’m not really sure what the gun laws in Ireland are like

The best winter sale gimmick was the year they gave you coal for getting achievements in games. It promoted trying the games you bought in a bundle and maybe forgot about, you could turn the coal into gifts and win games. I think that was about 3 years ago.

Of course they don’t want you if you’re not going to buy shit off them.

You can use discs in a dvd drive but even the emulators will tell you that you need to pull thw bios off your own ps2 to truly be avoiding piracy

That ball boy probably lost his job for letting Cam Newton look like a good guy.

Imagine how much longer that would make the game last and how much more time we’d all have to spend watching people standing around while the refs watch replays and decide if they made the right call or not. At that stage, just remove the refs from the game. Just replace them completely with people in a box watching

Have you ever looked at the money mobile games make? If your metric of what makes a game real is how much money it makes then mobile games are the realist.

I think John Vignocchi said that there’s no difference in the game play between the two but that the figures are counted as separate for the “complete” collection tracker.

I don’t get that one either, why would a union not want it’s members to work?

You could fix it, it’d just require cutting a whole lot of crap out of the rule book. We all know what a catch is. Someone throws you a ball and you grab it and hold it that’s a catch. So why is it that in the NFL a catch is a check list of items before being called a catch.

From my understanding, if a WR jumps for

It adds some nice flavour and the things she’s said to me so far have happened and managed to get me out of having to fight a bunch of guys when I was low on supplies.

I like Agholor and not just because he sounds like a Wizard. He’s made some good plays but gotten some bad (but fair) calls against him. If he just works on that he could be a pretty good player.

In this scenario is he constantly swapping hats on and off and turning from left to right as he’s switching roles?

Your welcome! Mario Maker is really pulling out all the little secrets and tricks that the original games never really thought you because they’re not nightmare games like these levels are!

Play it on the consoles then.

So what you’re seeing on screen is three blocks, two visible and one invisible. The invisible block has the coin inside of it. The bottom visible one has a bob-omb and the top visible one has a pow block. Invisible blocks only interact with Mario if he hits them from directly beneath them. You can fall or jump through

Do you know what made me really sad? I’m an Eagles fan. When Bradford got hurt against the Dolphins I thought “oh no, here comes the Sanchize to ruin everything”. Then Sanchez started playing ok. For someone who hasn’t taken a snap all season he looked pretty good. But I knew he’d find a way to screw it all up. And he

You don’t have everything in quotes though, at least not in the comment I read by you. I see you’ve a second one with “everything”, so my bad.

I think his point is more that he’d be happy with a fair price to unlock everything, than to have it take weeks to get everything for free of pay over the odds to get them now. Which isn’t unreasonable. Also you can’t earn everything, there are skins and mounts which are locked behind a real money pay wall.