
Or, and I know this is crazy, Bungie and Activision could not make you buy a separate product from the as yet unreleased $40 expansion to access content within that $40 expansion.

Getting into a Beta is one thing. This is them saying “we’ve all this content, it’s $40, but lets take this mission out of that and stick

Don’t worry though, because TTK is good value for Destiny players. It’s good value. If they keep saying it enough it has to be true right?

I might be misremembering but I thought Rocksteady or WB came out months ago and said there would be no disc version of this game? That might be specific to the UK.

But anyway, your disc version will likely be the same because it’s going to come with a Steam Key. The disc won’t work without you putting in the steam

I’ll have to put my hands up to that because I’ve never heard of it. The history books left that out of world war 2 when I was at school in Ireland. The only camps we were studied belonged to the baddies and the russians (the baddies of the next war).

I don’t think black people don’t want to succeed, I just think the history of them in that country really works against them from birth.

My guess is that the Asian, Indian, Mexican communities etc, all went to the US for a better life. They, for the most part chose to go there. They went to open up stores, to work in firms and to build a future for their children. There was no stigma for them being Asian the way the US has a stigma for being Black.


A lot of the time when I watch a documentary about racism or racist groups, the members are much younger than people might want to believe. It’s a pipe dream that all the racists are just old people who watch fox news, but it’s just that, it’s just a dream. There are plenty of terrible young people with racist ideas

How long now until Kotaku put out an article titled “The dust has settled on Phantom Dust?”

As Izuna said, it’s Splatoon. That game shipped a lot of units and a lot of WiiUs.

I’d seen the leaked screenshots back when they got out, but the E3 moment was still pretty great. It confirmed that it was real all this time. I’m surprised the art director thought people would be negative though.

It’s nice to see them say this will be a full release but that still doesn’t give me much hope that the game won’t be rammed full of micro-transactions unless they come out and say “there’s no micro-transactions”. It looks like an interesting game though, I just hope they deliver a full product that doesn’t make you

The new Metroid and Zelda games both look like titles that could’ve been new IPs but just had those titles slapped on them to try help and sell them.

How is the guy from Square who wore the moon mask not on the winner list?

There’s a dead guardian (assuming that’s what the creature is) on that page. I’m already dreading that creature dying in that game.

So this is great news though right? After all the concern about Ueda going away it looks like really he just rebranded. So this The Last Guardian is likely to be what he wanted it to be

I’m not sure if any other game has done that before but the pay off from how they use those mechanics is very short and didn’t feel all that satisfactory. By the time you get to that moment the game ends in a few minutes.

Same. The entire mechanic of controlling the characters seemed made up for that one single moment. Other than that the game felt mostly forgettable and I didn’t see why everyone was losing their minds over it. I’m not sure if it’s because my life has been mostly devoid of personal loss through deaths but that’s about

Every single cosplayer I know does this sort of thing. They’ll have a plan to cosplay as something at some con over 8 months away, but about a month before they’ll start talking about how they’ve still not finished (or in some cases even started) the costume they want to do. I don’t know if it’s just down to money or

There’s been rumours that Guerilla are making a game like this for a while now. Someone linked the art in the comments below.

Thought the very same thing when I saw the article. Sure they look different, but maybe the concept art was a different direction that Guerilla was going to take and now that they’re not the artist can show them off?

Either way, hopefully we get an announcement of that rad looking dinosaur game.

What game is the top image from?