
A stupid headline, but the journalistic ethics are the shits at ESPN if that’s indeed the case.

I hate the Yankees, but they draft well...same can’t be said for the Mets.

Inbred folks should stay away from making terrible music.

Good for her, don’t take any shit from entitled white shit-bags.

Well, you can always “peak” lower. If you were going to pick a club that could indeed suck even more, this is the one to bet on.

Public funds into a new Arena, what a joke. All involved are getting what they deserve. The Pistons will suck for years and the already depressed and wallowing Detroit economy will continue to suffer with this arena dragging it down even further.

While one of comic books most overrated characters, I’m interested to see this series. He was one of the better parts of Daredevil and a short series seems a better way to contain him.

They clearly don’t have a clue what they are doing. She’s been in the right this whole time and they have mishandled this from day one.

Not sure how any of what she said is a problem. Is it true? Yes. You have the proof, a smoking gun as it were? Yes, plus he pretty much confirms it every day...just watch him speak.

Now he can spend his free time trying to get a girl to touch him.

ESPN are cowardly morons, she was 100 percent on the money with what she said.

Nice to see the Pats suck, they deserve it.

If it’s a bad choice they’ll make it.

Ethics and empathy, two lovely qualities you want to maintain at all times.

When you are seeking answers, just try smart answers in the future. It boggles the mind with the amount of stupid that is present in that attempted hire.

That kind of hiring is the last thing the CFL needed. Plus, the Tigercats had a female fan styled football event the evening of his I’m sure the PR folks were really pleased with all the stupid.

The NFL couldn’t do a worse job with their messaging if they tried. It might be that the tremendous gobs of money that everyone stands to make (in varying degrees) is clouding everyone’s judgement?

This FFC chair is a class A moron. What a crock of horseshit.

Good for her. Racist policies do nothing and result in sheer crap.

Hadn’t heard this, not the smartest thing to do.