
I had to choose between the two recently because I spend too much money; I opted for Spotify and would do so again. But I miss Pandora radio stations. Their algorithm is just better at predicting what I want to hear.

Cosmetics: seriously, no one really cares about this other than people looking for something to be pissed about

I love the extended cut, I saw it first and was then shocked when I read all the stuff that was cut for theaters. The best action beat in the movie was completely excised (the trio fighting the orcs in the castle courtyard), the awesome and huge musical number gone, the friggin’ climax and thesis statement of the

But most of that character development came much later, and it was clearly an attempt to make Apu more than just a stereotype. That’s admirable, for sure, but the fact remains that he was created specifically as a one joke character, and that joke was “Ha ha, the convenience store clerk is Indian.”

Cut them some slack. Not many people realize that Die Hard was an adaptation of Wuthering Heights.

Camera 1: Wayne Campbell
Camera 2: Wayne Campbell


My boyfriend’s been playing this, and it does seem meaningfully different from the typical Assassin’s Creed. I’m not sure if it’s different enough for me to really want to give it a go, but it’s easier to admire the craftsmanship of the historical setting and overall visual design when you aren’t being completely

Spacey did three things in that fucked up apology that are outrageous to members of my community.

“gay men”... “they”

I don’t care if she has bathtubs filled with coke, Harvey still shouldn’t rape people.

Gay man here. What the fuck are you talking about? What euphemisms are you talking about? “Creepy” and “abusive” would be how I would describe that shit, and I damn sure wouldn’t be cool with someone espousing anything even slightly diminishing the harm of that behavior.

I think it’s highly questionable what your

Yes. We definitely agree. I wasn’t bringing up the Hill apology to say that they’re the same or even really as a point of comparison. I just thought of that specific apology because it’s the apology I can most remember being discussed in such rhetorical detail. Obviously the severity of the two acts is wildly

The problem isn’t that his statement alludes to the fact that he’s gay. The problem is that his coming out is the whole second paragraph and steals focus from his actions and the victim. It also feels like he’s trying to spin this as a positive moment in his life. “Hey guy! I’m finally coming out! Isn’t this great?”

Herf This or Nerf Tnis?

You’ve heard of ‘Broken Window Theory’? Now, Rick and Co. just have to wait for the neighborhood to go to shit.

Then it’s probably a good thing that I sent you those five other examples of how he replied to other commenters being just about as gross and vulgar as he was to me, if more longwinded in his replies to them though equally misguided (and devoid of facts), isn’t it …

How Carrie Fisher deals with bullshit.

When I was a kid, I used to wonder, “What does ESPN stand for?”