
Well that's just great. I ordered one of these yesterday. What a bust.

I loved that story. A little sad, but great. Hopefully this works out.

My nickname for zombies? Simple: "Rots"

Vomit and diarrhea to death?... Or become superheroes?!...

This looks awesome, which is good, because the cast alone guarantees I will see this.

This looks awesome, which is good, because the cast alone guarantees I will see this.

Well, of course they were having sex. I mean, LOOK at them. Sexy.

Oooh, I hope we get to see Death again in supernatural.

@Rawrnosaurous: Wouldn't they be using much less gunpowder, so it wouldn't be fired with the same force? (Not that I'm defending this movie.)

@IDoDoodle: Good point. I think it would be funny to do a scene where they show the kid realizing he is stranded in australia or wherever he went and having to call his mom to pick him up.

@LittleDragon: We don't know anything about where he has been and what he has been doing. I don't think it's a stretch that someone who is almost all powerful could find out something fairly major like that.

My pet theory is that the anti-christ kid brought Sam back, since he is still out there and seems to be the only one besides God with the power to do something like that.

Check out the glowing atmosphere. Neat!

@Greg Williams: Yeah, look at the atmosphere over the cities. You can see it glowing.

I know plenty of people who refer to the Democratic Party as "The Party of the Rich", and see the Republicans as representing the poor now. Surely, the narrative has shifted that way on the 24 hour news Crap-a-rama.

@bookwench: Most research suggests that most independents only say they are independent, but vote a strict party line, so they follow about the same trends described here.

I was surprised what areas I did well on. Very cool.

When we find another possibly habitable planet, hopefully it is discovered by someone who is married to someone with a less ridiculous name.

@Smiling_Coyote: That's from Supernatural. It's Dean when he's in Hell.