
For a second, I did think it said "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" and got really excited. *Sigh*

@antonchigurh: That was exactly what I found. And the systems they are using aren't being updated to keep up with competition. Our nat. sec. systems are outdated and not properly supervised. Very scary.

@commentotron: Some key national security agencies have found that some of their computers were accidentally connected to the internet. Never underestimate the power of bureaucratic incompetence.

@antonchigurh: If I remember correctly, the Chinese have pretty well been caught probing our cyber infrastructure. I even wrote a paper for a national security class on how we need to beef up this security.

"Just slow down, I'll shoot Hitler out the window."

Just 7? I would fight eleven evil exes for her. *Swoon*

@Jester21: Oh, and, if Sam is human, why did he burn out the street light?

As much as I love this show, part of me feels that it should have ended 10 seconds before the end of the last finale. That ending was just too good, IMHO.

I feel like we could string together these never ending Transformers 3 set photos and videos into a feature length film and it would probably be as entertaining as whatever Bay eventually puts into theaters.

That beginning sounds amazing. I would watch Ben do literally ANYTHING.

@KingSnakeX4: Well, if I understand this article (which I'm fairly sure I do not), then it would allow scientists to invent magic.

Well, at least Alex Winters has...that... going for him. Good for him, I guess. Poor guy.

@Ophite: Haha. Nostalgia!

It seems that the projects that left with buzz were the ones that came with buzz. I'd imagine people get excited about projects that they are excited to be excited about.

There had better be plenty of Woodhouse to be abused.

So you're telling me that my driver's ed manual for schizophrenics may never be published? 'Cause that sounds like an ugly little thing called PREJUDICE. Mental patients need to commute, too.

I feel sorry for those who hate Nic Cage. I mean, the man is a walking bag of entertainment. Give him any script, and he will squeeze the last bits of entertainment-juice out of it.

@jajbowler: "Spooky scary! Boys becoming Men! Men becoming Wolves!"

@Lamar Henderson: I couldn't agree with you more. Though we do get some hilarious counter-protest signs like this as a byproduct...

Man, he bulked up more than I realized.