Josei no Risu & the Nekomata

Of the movies I haven't seen here, I'm most interested to watch A Quiet Passion. Seems like a nice, quaint character study about a beloved poet.

Second that. Weeks later, it's still lingering in my mind, alongside feelings of discomfort and catharsis. Now I want to see the rest of Nacho Vigalondo's oeuvre.

It demands rewatchability, just to appreciate it at its fullest.

Oh man, the voice acting! I forgot to mention that, it was so impressive.

Geez, every year there's just more great TV to watch (and even more to put on the queue - being an academic stinks).

I'm looking forward to LWA this weekend. Sounds like its animation quality is still maintained, no?

@disqus_FixLIp5LhA:disqus I second Fire Emblem Echoes as my personal favorite game so far this year, but only because I don't buy many games to begin with (and even then I typically limit myself to Nintendo). Mila's Turnwheel is indeed such a time-saver I couldn't be happier with its implementation. And yeah, people

I watched with subtitles. She said, Viet-Ma'am War.

Oh is that what she said? Good lord.

Dang, that was pretty great.

A for Alison Freakin' Hendrix.

My mistake was to charge through the fortress foolhardedly. Just wait around where you start and thin the foe's army as they come out to greet ya. It's basic FE advice but I was too concerned about the terrain's effects on my units.

Oh gods, Grieth was a freaking nightmare. First time things got really challenging - and I was on Casual Normal, too.

Still on the third acts of Fire Emblem Echoes - grad school work got in the way. The last DLC popped up this week but I never bought any of it yet. The story-based Rise of the Deliverance looks the most appealing so I might just purchase only that particular DLC pack next month.

Man, I would have bought Ever Oasis this weekend but I'm still tied up with Fire Emblem Echoes due to college work. Sounds like EO is getting good reviews anyway.

I don't miss the romantic options too much either - it felt stressful playing matchmaker. And if I do feel the need to 'ship, I'll just recreate the Echoes units in the Sims.

Biggest surprise is that Kate Nash is playing a wrestler. Feeling very merry happy.

I previously intended to binge through all of American Gods this weekend but due to the pressures of grad schoolwork I decided to hold off until late August or September.

Discovery's still maintaining its standards after that rewarding anaconda-swallows-a-human event.

Oh no, they're in the comments!