Josei no Risu & the Nekomata

Aw dang, I haven't given that much thought. I'm not well-steeped in the who's who of comedians. Care to suggest?

Pizza scarf! Forgot about that. And now I won't be able to, dangit.

"Last place! Last place! Last place!"

A very enjoyable episode. It's like a backdoor pilot to a "Humans of New York" spin-off.

Yuko is going to be in every episode this time, right?

Snowpiercer appeared on iflix a few weeks ago so I decided to finally give it a watch, especially with its TV adaptation announced and the premiere of Okja in Cannes. And whew, it certainly was eerie and claustrophobic.

A speech entirely composed of farting noises.

Real-world fun fact or Kimmy Schmidt-world fun fact? It's hard to tell.

Heavens to Moygatroyd.

I'm planning to pick up Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express before the movie comes out this year. Figure it would make for a nice summery read.

I'm looking through Yvette's work right now and there's some interesting stuff there. She's a judge on an upcoming cosplay competition show and voicing Amanda Waller on DC Super Hero Girls.

Hey now, Gillian Jacobs and Alison Brie have steady work on Netflix's series. *knock on wood*

Hold up, one hour?! So four episodes?

Geez Lars. 2 steps forward, 1 back.

Being stuck in a gem body doesn't top the gem shard amalgams but it's still going to haunt me for a while.

Pretty sure he owns part of Turtle Island.

Kentuckian sounds so exotic.

B+ for the ube roll. It's not everyday you see a Filipino dessert in a US cartoon.

- That's understandable Mr. Alston, feel better soon. Also thanks for doing daily reviews for the rest of the season - I still would have stuck around no matter what.

An officer pulling out a gun in such a crowded, confined place is also inadvisable.