Josei no Risu & the Nekomata

Lillie is the biggest surprise of all. I'm surprised how much I like her. She's like the Rui to my Wes from the GameCube games.

I think I'm almost nearing the end in Pokemon Moon. I believe I'm where the box legendary is supposed to be.

I saw the first season of Fargo finally when I subscribed to iflix back in September. And wow it certainly lives up to the hype and critical praise from two years back.

I get ya, I still haven't caught up with Daredevil (the rest are
cleared), but Netflix is offering more tempting fare for me to devote
attention towards during TV time.

They know her worth.

I'm shocked it's off the top 30. It had "The Answer", "Log Date 7 15 2", and that 100th episode.

The first two volumes of Unbeatable Squirrel Girl. It's the first Marvel comic I ever bought, too.

I'm evading this review since I just finished Akala Island but sounds like maybe the fatigue could come from powering through Sun and Moon so quickly. If that is the case, take it easy, William and Nick.

In that case, I'm a total dummy.

Scissor Sisters' I Don't Feel Like Dancing at its date of release so it could have clued me in on being gay, comfortable with it, and while I was in college.

I'm confused by your assertion of it being a "gay song". Not nitpicking but the thought never crossed my mind. Mind elaborating?

Yeah, Jughead's the best character from the revamped series. Alas I'm not too invested in his best friend's accident-prone antics but Jughead, man it's hard to describe my rekindled interest in that jaded, clever slacker/ foodie.

Ginger boom!

Upvote for spoiler tag, TYVM.

My Pichu is taking a while too but what you mentioned sounds like it will get the job done.

@wolfmanjew Whew, I must have really bad luck then. I'll give the piles one last try before departing Melemele.

Same here. Just riding Tauros around to hunt for stuff. And also to look for some pokes I missed on Melemele - Grubbin among them.

I'm avoiding looking this up to avoid spoilers but I imagine the encounter rate for them is small, maybe uncommon? I gave up on soft resets after 45 mins.

I named my Rowlet "Doyale", a misspelling of my alma mater's unofficial mascot.

Oh yeah I used the same move with my Abra too.