Josei no Risu & the Nekomata

"Home ec class, sew her to my side."

"This is fun. Now do 'Tina'."

Jane Lynch would've been better off getting a spin-off of her character - but that would've been "Bad Teacher: the series".

Good ol' Sue, ever the walking contradiction. Taking a stand against bullying except when extended to fat people (and Glee kids).

Aziz Ansari slow-jamming "Molasses". That is all.

A girl in college introduced me to the musicals of Stephen Sondheim , but I was too socially impaired to pick up on the signals she was sending. It took me after college to realize this and I feel all the more embarrassed for it. Sondheim remains untainted for me, though; it's clever stuff.

R.I.P. Rose's red wig. You were too beautiful for this world. *sniff*

My dad received some DVDs as a holiday gift, one of them he didn't think to open 'til I said "Let's watch this one." So we watched Stardust, based on Neil Gaiman's book, and we had a rollicking good time with it.

I am so glad this season is only 13 episodes long.

The Cryptkeeper. *shudders* It took me a decade to get over him.

Now that you mention it, either Gardevoir or Gallade would be an awesome…pet, I suppose?

They're all fictional so they don't exist to begin with.

Funnier? The remake literally trashed Bubo.

I sided with Treecko just because I'm such a grass-type fan. Which region's starters do you think split the vote near equally among the three choices?

I would pick a Treecko personally. An adorable green-scaled gecko, what's not to like?

Tina and Amy's Golden Globes prediction is coming to light. I'm scared.

I paused the credits to list off the ridiculous townspeople names of Pawnee. :

It's actually Sonia (unsure about spelling - probably for Sotomayor).

Delightfully dramatic music swings. I'm never tired of them on this show.

You go, Linda! Proofread Cynthia's essay with your foot!