Josei no Risu & the Nekomata

Yes, there wasn't much forward momentum regarding the plot. But I thought of it as an eight-episode stroll through a strange, novel environment and took everything in, regardless of whether or not it was to my tastes. At the very least, Penny Dreadful made very few bad turns storywise (Caliban got on my nerves with

I feel awful for forgetting the super-sized finale. I can't wait to buy the box set.

And there's so freaking much of it too. It's crazy.

My favorite FOC so far. I was thinking recently about how "favorite" would be a more appropriate term to utilize instead of "best" when constructing such lists. That being said, I don't feel so guilty or under pressure any more about not being able to experience everything that's high and low in culture.

Going with Ms Valentine's answer: Penny Dreadful. Hope Dorian Grey gets some sorely needed character building next season.

Yay, Hannibal Ichiban! I'm so itching to see what comes next. Until then, S1 + 2 marathon.

Phew! Orphan Black's on the list, thank Castor & Pollux. I was concerned given how scathing of a lashing it got in the worst TV section.

Weird Al's "Word Crimes" for mocking grammar manglers.

This is strange. Isn't the movie being released next summer AND they're still casting voice actors?

Thanks for the recommendation! I'll check it out over Xmas.

Don't speak ill of dancing! That's J-Ju's life.

Sounds like Big Bob wanted a Bob the III.

Stronger and gayer than ehh-ver!

This show is definitely satisfying that magic realistic void in my life. And bringing up Amelie as an influence, wow, that's another Pushing Daisies link right then and there.

I hear ya, Willis can be polarizing at times. But separating artist from art, DoA is my go-to webcomic (especially now that it's a daily thing).

Taking a cue from Mr. Hughes' answer (Bobbins is awesome), I recommend the college-set webcomic Dumbing of Age by David Willis.

I would have picked Tony x Felix as dangerously egregious pandering to the Clone Club fanbase. That particular episode had little payoff from Tony's introduction. Hopefully, they can do right by him when he shows up again and link him better to the story (and cut out the flirting with Felix, please).

"Well I'd love to meet your grandmother." "You're too late." *beat* "Oh…"

"It also keeps my lizard warm!"

Yeah, this show's definitely grown on me. As handsome and charming as Rafael is, I love the little things that make him a nice person (i.e., taking away the vodka bottle and handing water to Jane at the nightclub).