
Scattered thoughts:



She was emotionally spent after the scroll, cock ring, and fancy mask.

I totally thought she would lose it and try to sway Forrest and he would ignore her.

I am really stuck between loving the Birbiglia look-alike Josh and also being pleased because he deserved his injuries. He always knew what he was doing.

because she was a seekret lesbian who shoved huma's emails into a benghazi pizza!!!!!

THAT wasn't the darkest? I've been putting off watching the OG version. If it's worse, you're legally bound to tell me.

And making out with his hot nurse.

And reunites with that friend (maybe the only one he's ever had?) who freed him in the first place?

Adorkables are a protected class, firing would cause a major lawsuit.

I've finally figured out who the fuck Jimmy looks like. DOUG BENSON! It's uncanny!

Honestly, I have made this comment my goal look.

They're gonna kill your son.

Or Steve falling out the window, which shocked Roger ("Oh, shit!") and the scene being reshot with him bandaged and clearly concussed.

I'm telling you, scrub that thing clean. If you think you're being to cautious, you're not. They will take us *both*" to jail.

I HATE Steve's abs! So creepy.


Sweet Christ. You know that thing where you recommend a show to a friend, and the one episode they finally happen upon is always the one where you go "No, no, not THAT one!"? That's what happened to you. Please try out any of the recs in this comment section!

Gretchen's such a sweetheart.