
It isn’t! Never has someone so obviously talented (Bruno Mars) had so many bland fucking boring pop songs.

How the eff are there no Twenty One Pilots songs on this list? Am I the only one perpetually annoyed by their douchecanoe white frat boy “music”? For some reason I found their songs to be the distillation of everything horrible in America in 2016.

She looks so pretty in that gif. Usually I find her look SO cheap/trying WAY TOO HARD.


Two things in this article reminded me that I have the heart of a middle-aged person, even though I’m just 27.

Purple haired 1999 Kim is how I always see her in my head. I thought she was so gorgeous back then.

rich while we’re at it let’s talk about album SEQUENCING and how no one seems to give a shit about how their collection of singles sounds when you listen to it front to back (chance seems to give it the most thought out of the three you listed here)

not to be a wang, but minorities have pretty much always been killing it in the arts community. it shouldn’t take a twitter account to make you realize that.

Eh, Simpsons did it first.

Sorry, but Chris Martin has become an adorable dork dad straight out of a network sitcom and now I love him.

I came here to post that scene and I’m glad you did!

Ah Y2K. I will always miss my neighbor Dave. Who we had to eat to survive. And also because he got annoying making jokes about the Mayan apocalypse calendar having bad clock programming. Dark times.


“More coven, less lovin’” feels like where I’m at in my life. Happily, I might add.

 The Craft. Lara Craft.

They will tear each other into pieces. Jesus Christ, this will be fun!