
Yeah, people online in Japan were making fun of the cogs for that, saying someone at Asahi was doing it on purpose. Doubt it, but that would be funny if true!

True. How the industry (and the public) treats female employees can be pretty crap. I know I've mentally just bunched it all together under the pretense that the game industry is catering to a customer base that will praise you and curse you (or worse) in the same breath. They feel they're owed so much and have the

The problem is that if you're a *female* dev with a public presence, you may not have the luxury of not giving a shit about this stuff.

I seriously have to wonder how many people who work or have worked on the dev side of things actually give any kind of a shit about this stuff. I'm in the latter crowd and all it does is remind me part of why I don't have the drive to work on video games any more... the public and press is full of dumbshits with more

Though they don't have a deodorant yet, my favorite products for skincare and hygiene come from Alpine Made. They make everything with raw, organic goat milk.

Though they don't have a deodorant yet, my favorite products for skincare and hygiene come from Alpine Made. They

Would be cool if it got an international release.

My wife and I have a small men's organic grooming line called Handsome Fancy. Currently we offer a beard oil, but will be expanding our line very shortly with a beard cream, beard wash, a pomade, and even a kids line so dad and son can smell awesome together!

My wife and I have a small men's organic grooming line called Handsome Fancy. Currently we offer a beard oil, but

you should probably just watch it

Personally, I've always wondered why there hasn't been a Capri Sun/Terminator 2 mashup.

Now playing

More like old school Caprisun Commercials...

We're gamers

You rang?

...thus proving that sometimes you really can judge a commenter by his user name.

I doubt anyone named "VagEnthusiast" has ever been blasted about being sexist.

So they have a no book day, too? Need to socialize, right?

Yup. Sure does.