
It would be funny if they only released on GOG, though.

You would have had to deal with uplay either way, the steam version simply uses both steam and uplay, not just uplay. I do agree though, I like my games on steam so everything can stay together so no steam means no purchase.

Or you could just stand by your convictions and not play them.

I don't get this logic. Why not just not play the games. Since when is it acceptable behaviour to take a product you didn't compensate them for because you don't agree with their business practices. Just because it is easy doesn't make it right.

Don't be depressed. I was happy to meet him out there, even if any connection to reality is far-fetched. :)

The video really doesn't do it justice. I've had this glitch, it was a heavily modded install but nothing to do with mannequins. They just sort of... sat there. They had a resting animation. You know the type where the character just sits there, swaying gently, breathing? Fucking creepy. Also they miss-spawned.

A JRPG discussion on Halloween? Seems like a good reason to bring up Costume Quest 2*!

I'm always up for more green apocalypses. Maybe they took some cues from Enslaved. The end of the world doesn't have to be depressing! As long as you're not having to resort to cannibalism.

It's just an estimate, an average. Some beat the games way faster, some way slower. I play quite casually and like to take it a bit more slowly. So for me that time posted for "main queast" is usually a pinpoint to how long time I'm at least going to have with the game.

I triple that.

Jesse, which ISP do you have? I may be able to suggest a good modem for you. Please note that if you do get your own modem you'll have to call them and give them the modem's serial # in order for it to work at all, it won't be just a plug it in and it works kind of thing.

Jesse, which ISP do you have? I may be able to suggest a good modem for you. Please note that if you do get your

I second this.

Awesome. All it needs is the game's HowLongToBeat value.

That Satan photo became a balm for my aching soul. And "they were orignally hills" is like the "swamp gas" of pyramid conspiracies. Great article!

Way to kill any excitement right in the lede, Mark!

To be fair, it's really more like "Worst Company in America, as voted by bitter nerds on the internet". EA is certainly not worse than Monsanto or Facebook or Time Warner/Comcast, it just happens that the poll got a lot of attention from people upset about DRM and the ending to Mass Effect.

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