
That’s weird, because I thought he looked and sounded a little like Johnny Knoxville!

Oh man. That really makes me want to watch Jackass more than anything.

They both seem kind of whiny to me. No, you’re whiny. No, you’re whiny! No, no, he’s whiny. No he’s not; he is!

I love how when a Kickstarter game fails, everyone reports it in all capital letters. This is an example of a Kickstarter game that went off without a hitch, yet no one mentions that (of which there are many).

Wouldn’t kicking someone like that be really bad for your ankle?

You're supposed to just not go near them taking photos, actually.

Photographer goes out, provokes wildlife, emerges a hero. Leaves the taste of lion poop in my mouth. If the lion had actually injured or killed him (in trying to chase him off as a perceived threat), it would be the lion who'd get blamed and probably killed, and people could keep thinking lions are vicious, aggressive

Yeah, I'm not seeing any friendly there.

What? But these days, we get to sit and watch, and then mash X to kick open a window or something!

I miss when games had to be creative because they couldn’t be multi-million dollar polygonal movies.

That's totally not true. It's more like for ever 1 that crashes and burns or has a fiasco, there are 40-50 that succeed. I've backed a ton of crap. I don't get why everyone just keeps repeating nonsense, just because there were a few high-profile failures.

That should be a semi-colon in there, too, not a comma.

Right. Probably a pretty good distinction to make, given that this is billed as an adventurous "tips and tricks" blog! Hope no one reads this thinking, "Hey, maybe I should give it a try..."

I don’t get how he was so manipulative, but okay!

You know, Mortal Kombat was stupid and silly in the ‘90s. Now it’s just plain fucking disgusting.

I want it on BetaMax.


Crazy... Doesn’t even look like the same place.

Covered up his side-boob, too.

After I wrote that, I also thought maybe the other blob on there (jumping off the balcony) was for his mom. :(

I thought it actually worked in Red, Blue and Yellow. And those are the only Pokemon games I ever played, so... :)