Jesse Astle

@Cinnamoncanuck: Also Steven Moffatt and Edgar Wright are credited as being screenwriters so... should be pretty awesome. Although I do wish young Spielberg would direct and not old Spielberg.

@Cinnamoncanuck: It does have Simon Pegg in it. And anything that has Simon Pegg in it can't be all that bad.

@Cinnamoncanuck: The funny thing is, that before the first Indie film Spielberg was looking to do a Tintin movie. But the deal fell through and he went with Indiana Jones instead.

@Foohy: Autobots that glitter in the sunlight... sad to say I can actually see that happening.

@mykalt45: tsk tsk tsk. I see someone is ignoring there presentation. Get back to work!

@Cinnamoncanuck: Considering that the Indie movies have a certain amount of Tintin in them, I think it's appropriate.

Talia would feel to much like a redux to me. Like Raz al Ghul but sexier!

@Smeagol92055: I don't know. It would feel too much like repetition. Clock King would be interesting. Although I would think they would want to choose one of the major figures from Batman's rogues gallery.

@CColdsmoke: I know this! It's when a raven is like a writing desk.

@RizzRustbolt: I thought it was every hundred years...

@engtech: I only read the first one and seemed pretty good to me...

The first computer we ever owned was a commodore 64, with a tape player that played games. Then it was a Tandy 1000 and I 'think' that's when we got into adventure games. Played a lot of shareware games. There was one I played for hours. I think it was called 'Worms' or something.

The last game I played on the PC (and the last first person shooter I played more than twenty minutes of) was Quake.

@Elpon: I'll kill you to DEATH!!

@Jeyl: Didn't exactly scream TNG either though. Besides, I imagine a mining ship would get a lot of wear and tear. Maybe they had to cobble together parts and that's why it looks the way it does. I don't know. It looks menacing and it didn't really bother me that much.

@cadrina: Then I wouldn't read this one.

@drummrx: Not really. It turns out in the end that it was all just a test to see if humans were worth knowing and in the end they all become friends. I guess it could work, but I think Abrams would prefer a more standard villain.

@Jeyl: We knew from the get go that they were going to redux Star Trek. Besides if you're going to complain about ship design, what about Spock's ship?

@WoogleMuffin: If it wasn't in the film then it's not explained.

@cadrina: I read that graphic novel. It broke my heart. Russians can suck it as far as I'm concerned.