Jesse Astle

@sjschwar: Oh, yes. Sorry. I'm usually better at double checking my grammar.

@maggeimerc: That and playing her music at three in the morning didn't make her my favourite.

@sjschwar: Maybe the meant baguettes?

I briefly worked in Northern Alberta at an oil field, working in the kitchen. You could, on a good day, get a phone signal if I stood right next to the window and held my phone in a particular fashion. Otherwise I would have to stand outside, in freezing temperatures to get a decent signal.

@quagmire: Must come from the Satan side of the family.

One of my roommates turned out to be a prostitute... I have nothing else to add to that.

Enter discworld reference here?

@Jesse Astle: What pissed me off the most however was the teachers. They'd make a big speech at the beginning of school about how they have a zero tolerance for bullying and then do nothing do prevent it! There was only one time a student got sent to the principle and that was only because they wrote 'Jesse is a

Yeah, in High School a lot of people assumed that I was gay because a) I read b) Not a huge fan of the music they liked c) Wasn't interested in most of the girls there (not that they were all that interested in me. It never got too violent but a lot of verbal bullying.

Freak out!

@Robotube: Ha! It's funny because it's not true.

Let them do the cut scenes and maybe some of the dialogue. Yes, there are some excellent examples of good dialogue in video games. But... they can be rare.

@BlueBeard: It will start with The Thing as a small boy on a desert planet and culminate in his eventual seduction to the dark side... by Norwegians!

My favourite Shakespearean play. But why do I think I'm going to hate this movie?

...seriously. In this day and age do you really need to get your porn vicariously?