@skahammer: I have virtually no interest. Although I've never really been into a lot of the masculine pursuits.
@skahammer: I have virtually no interest. Although I've never really been into a lot of the masculine pursuits.
@resplendent.bitch: Well someone has to...
@sandrinepi: : Oh my God, they killed Rory!
From what I heard he's incorporating a lot of Enders Shadow into the script, which I wasn't a huge fan of.
Oh please god yes. As long is wasn't just another movie video game that just repeats the same plot as the movie.
@Cocksie: ... don't really care anymore. That booty is just too fine.
@Pope John Peeps II: So, is Glenn Beck his alias or his real name? Maybe he's really Ann Coulter in a fat suit...
@PlaidNinja: Not a bad action movie. Has its moments but fairly forgettable.
@lauraefrye: *Evil laugh*
@Mister Jack: Hell, Nintendo wishes it was Barbara Streisand.
@boopadoo: Now with twenty percent more suction cups!
@H2H: Stupid sexy flanders!
Doesn't die!
So you're saying that Shia has survived the gathering and is using the prize to benefit humanity? Sorry, not buying it.
@Doctor Insano: Evil Inc. You don't need to be insano to work here but it helps.
@HickorySwitch: Ok, littered was the wrong word to use. I'm thinking a few posters on the wall and maybe an ad on the subway. Something for the fans to look out for, maybe have some fun with.
Yes, a tribute. That's what it is. *rolls eyes*
@madam.w: Which is fine. I just don't want that image in head is all.
@erincnyc: The Knights of Ni disapprove of people who drive into shrubbery.
@HickorySwitch: Yes but Aperture Science is in the Half Life universe is it not? If you look into one of the windows in Portal (get it?!) you see a power point presentation on Black Mesa.