Jesse Astle

I seem to remember a documentary about this school that only had abstinence sex ed, and it had one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the state. Forget what it was called.

"We have a good idea of what kind of story we want to tell, but won't move on it until there's a great reason to do it."

@swenson: I don't know, that's one hot Doctor. And the Doctor will finally have a use for the vibration function on the sonic screwdriver... I think I have to go write some slash fiction now.

What the hell? Is the colour green evil now?

@Captain_Midnight: ... oh. I really didn't notice that. Although I actually quit like the concept of The Happening. Just his execution was bad.

@John: Some really twisted rule 34 shit going on there. Shame on you.

Well, Mario would be good if you need to install a toilet. But a good attorney is useful as well.

@collex: I don't know. I quite liked Signs (sans the ending), The Village is a lot better than people give it credit for, and Lady in the Water has some good parts in it. But I can definitely see a decline happening. I would love to see him start working with other people or at least recognize that he needs to do

@Vozpit: The short The Regular Show did was pretty good. I'll be checking it out.

I did something similar when I was a kid. Green monster paint on the drapes, couch, and our not so white cat... who always had that green stripe till his death.

I can understand someone thinking 'you're so beautiful' or 'smile, you're so pretty' was ok, and maybe in some contexts it it, but 'show me your tits'?!

Why so sad, William Shakespeare?

@FashionZebra: ...image is now in my head and will never leave. Thank you for doing that to one of my favourite authors.

I don't understand people sometimes.

Water, my only weakness.

@Jon: I might actually play a sports game if it involved dragons.

@Archaotic: I actually don't mind that, but they need to keep in mind how to do that properly.

@HashMaster9000: I do agree with him when he said it was the Star Trek movie that needed to be made. At the very least Abram breathed new life into a dead franchise. I'm hoping that the second movie will be a bit deeper since we've gotten past the whole introducing and re-imagining the characters phase.