Jesse Astle

Oh come on people! It's obviously Astro Train cosplaying what Optimus Prime would look like as a train. I really shouldn't have to tell people this.

@foolish-rain: Maybe I'm misreading him, but I don't think this is a religious or sin issue for them.

It's amazing how much of my gaming is now done on portable devices. I barely even touch my consoles (even my newly bought xbox 360 which is pining away in the corner), opting instead to lay in bead and play either my DS or PSP until I fall asleep.

@mfnher: You know, after the whole goatse fiasco I've learned my lesson. Never google anything ever. It eventually turns into porn.

@m. Bohème: Little disappointed they didn't have a 'customers also bought' part. I think that would have been... interesting.

@mfnher: So I should resist my casual interest and not google it?

@arianamb1: I filled a hard drive of porn once (back when hard drives were, like, 50 megabytes or something) and of course mom was wondering why her computer wouldn't save properly. But, yeah, I never had pictures of girls living in penis's.

@LadyChatterley: Yeah I started around that age... freaked me right out.

"I just ate the cat's pooh. Pet me!"

@Wolfabeast: ... is he sleeping with the chicken?

@Jayeff2020: Wow, the Doctor really is 007 with a time machine. He can make anything cool.

@ktgrrl: Totally off topic, there was a teacher at my old High School who put googly eyes on all of the religious pictures (we had them in history classes etc.) in school because of a spat with the Catholic Church.

I guess Charlie Brown got tired of people calling him blockhead...

That's the thing though. It only works while you're still young and attractive. What happens when you're no longer young or attractive?

@rd2uk: We studied ancient greek pornography for a class once... ooh la la.

Sounds like a classy film...

@fuzzco66: Yes but then you wouldn't get the clever sexual innuendo in the title.

Naoko Mori plays Annika, a woman who can duplicate and broadcast any sound she hears.