Jesse Astle

@RizzRustbolt: Ooh, I don't know. There's something about Sarah Jane Smith that always rubbed me the wrong way. Maybe it's the fact that she's that whole liberated women who's liberated and equal yet is always captured and always screams character. For me its always Leela first, Romana second, then Ace, and then maybe

@Ursus-Veritas: I think there method is that if you say it enough times eventually it'll come true.

I actually thought that Astro Boy wasn't that bad. It mostly suffered from a disinterested voice talent who slept through the entire film.

@itsmejill: Did I say it was a problem? Ladies deserve a soothing massage after a long stressful day.

Let me guess, the next model vibrates to provide a soothing massage.

@ManicPixieNightmare: That explains all those phone numbers from gay bartenders... my God, I'm a flirt!

"She Sends You a Zoolander Eye Lock"

I'm not proud nor embarrassed. It's just an enjoyable pastime.

@Alizarin: OK, maybe I should say he's ruined almost every movie I've seen him in. But I think the best example is I, Robot. Sure there were problems with the script, but the basic concept was solid and the premise quit interesting. But for some reason they chose Will Smith to play the main character, who's played

@kwtw: He's pretty much the only good thing about that sad excuse for a movie... that and the White House being blowed up real good.

You know, it's weird. He's a very likeable character yet he ruins almost every movie he's in.

@8x10: Yeah, there's just some movies that are so 80's that they should be left in the 80's. That being said I'd probably go see the reboot.

@sheepdeshinya: Yeah, probably. Which I've never done so it should be fun.

I've always considered proportion and ratio to be far more important than size, if we're sticking to completely superficial arguments about body type.

Ok, I saw an old NES in the pawnshop for $65 and I thought it was overpriced. Heck, I spent $25 on a super nintendo game and I thought I was paying too much for it, especially since it keeps deleting my saved games! Although I was willing to pay that amount so... I'm an idiot.

@John_Hazard: Can we at least say that her milkshake is proportionally better than many other females.

Given the quality of most sci-fi shows/movies I've seen lately, I tend to agree.