Not the end of the world people!

And most would still be taken by new mothers. I’m guessing you don’t have kids.

Yeah. I’m thinking that’s not it. Sorry to break it to you, but you just might not be good enough.

Maybe this is why she is struggling to find employment yet her peers aren’t...

Nearly every new mother I know chooses to stay home with their baby if at all possible. No one is forcing them. Fathers generally would kill for the option, but yeah, when you have a child your priorities change and work isn’t allways in the top five of them anymore.

Could there be something else other than everyone else being against you being employed? A single, common denominator in the whole thing?

Shock horror! he propositioned her, she said no, he left it at that. Yeah, let’s throw the book at the degenerate.

Shock horror! he propositioned her, she said no, he left it at that. Yeah, let’s throw the book at the degenerate.

That knee jerk reaction from people on this site to angrily dismiss every opinion or comment that doesn’t mirror their own.
They don’t even read the comments properly anymore, just scan for certain words and respond with their vitriol.

Because people really are just a bunch of easily upset snowflakes at this point. God help them when the real world presents them with an actual problem to be overcome.

Not sure how your comment had such an aggressive response from people. Weird.

Dementia. Would explain so much.

Wouldn’t bother. Someone who writes a comment like the OP did, has no intention of ever changing their mind. Any opinion that doesn’t mirror their own is going to be dismissed as from a troll, incel, or whatever.

You’re talking bullshit there and you know it. Stop with the hysterics.

Can they have boyfriends in their room? no, then it’s the same thing.
Not about homophobia either. Couples are a pain in the ass in any shared space.

Yeah, that was back in the bad old days. We know better now. Honest.

Pretty sure the US is the main culprit. The UK being a nice ally followed along because our leaders were shameless lapdogs humping the presidents leg in the hope of some scraps.

A million plus - mainly male - ‘refugees’ came into Europe. The people who would be affected the most by this, were the poor. Those people already using food banks and struggling to get by who saw the government handing out help to these people.

We aren’t unaware of it, we just don’t believe we should be blaming ourselves for something our ancestors did centuries ago.

I really don’t. Sick of seeing all the whining about every little damn thing he does, every single day. Can’t escape it. Every media outlet is full of news about him giving him exactly what he wants, publicity to boost his ego.

just 6 more years.