
The first time I played OoT, I was about 8 years old. Like you, I despised the water temple, and put the game on the shelf for about 4 years. Then I picked it up, beat the water temple and loved the rest of the game. You should definitely play through it again if you get the 3DS.

@grumbel: This. The game universe isn't designed to be realistic, but you always want some level of realism there.

In my book, realistic graphics are fine in games like GTA IV. Realistic graphics in MMORPGs are a big no-no. I think that why Age of Conan was such a failure: trying to hard to have realistic graphics, and put less work on the gameplay = concept of disaster.

hurr durr

Dexter's such a good show, can't wait for s3. :)

This shit delivers!

@Kyattsuai: Nice observation, someone should tip Valve.

Yay, first time I spotted headline news way before Kotaku posted it. I'm proud.

If this aint a new SOCOM, it might as well be World of Starcraft.

Nintendo announces a new The Legend of Zelda-game. (5:1)

Gah, the hype is killing me. Announce it already!

That some really good reading right there. Thanks Kotaku.

@OT79: Of course this game deserves publicity - it's a great deal, might be bigger than GTA IV (though not as hyped). Though, most of these post are (to me) irrelevant, and I just got the feeling it was to compensate for the gta posts.

I've got the feeling all these "MGS4 launch in city of X" posts are just to compensate for the huge amount of GTAIV posts.


@Brian Ashcraft: Lol bash, that comment almost deserve a nomination for multi-tap... yeah, I'll do it.