It’s Calvin Fucking Trillin.
You’re a fucking imbecile.
You’re a nitwit.
What does abortion, and you’re inability to be responsible for your own behavior, have to do with “reproductive rights?”
You misspelled “pole smoker.”
Nah. I don’t use exclamation points, and pointing out that you’re an idiot is merely an astute observation. It’s not particularly clever. It just is.
Holy fuck, you’re a moron.
Hint: Just because somebody disagrees with the bullshit that is regularly spewed on Jezebel and points it out, that doesn’t make him/her a “troll.”
You’re an idiot.
You should probably feel like a borderline retarded piece of shit, because that’s the impression you give of yourself.
You seem like a distinctly terrible human being.
Congrats on getting to be an irresponsible skank, I guess.
If they’re not, they should be.
In California, medicinal weed is legal, but the business bans anyone with a drug-related criminal record from working in the industry. This of course means that people of color are—yet again—systematically shut out of economic advancement, while white people get an implicit leg up
You’re not familiar with the concept of humor, are ya?
Yeah, Dontrez From Detroit was clearly inspired by a bunch of white supremacists from the American Northwest.
And I’m saying you’re an idiot.
It’s upsetting that entitled fucksticks such as yourself think you’re entitled to be paid to not work.
You’re a moron.