
The Daily Mail is also taking heat for the manner in which they chose to headline their report on her death, by referring to Rayne as an unnamed “porn star” who accused “adult actor” James Deen of rape:

The world is an extraordinarily cruel place

Man, I was just watching some of her femdom performances last night. So sad.

Didn’t know it was possible to respect Merlan any less.

It’s Jezebel.

To be fair, she was a total whore.

Poor kid. Looks like she had a nice life planned.

You should probably be hospitalized. You’re clearly not stable.

They did take him to a doctor, you idiot.

You seem like a terrible human being.

Only if you don’t understand those stories.

If it weren’t so sad, it would be funny how terrible the majority of Jezebel commenters are.

You seem like you have significant emotional problems.

A Bottomless Pit of Dysfunction.

You’re an idiot.

You haven’t met any Royals fans, obviously.

Or it’s bullshit.

I’d be inclined to believe her, if she had bothered to press charges.

Well, nobody ever accused liberals of being intelligent.

You don’t seem to know what “courage” means.