
were forced to travel to Halifax or Moncton for the procedure

More salient point: his blood alcohol was twice the legal limit?

What female has not been the recipient, and therefore survivor, of some kind of sexual abuse?

You need to learn the meaning of the word “literally.”

Nice idea, but we live in a society where a certain kind of fuckwit believes having to buy one’s own tampons and condoms is akin to Jim Crow, so...

though if the show is accurate, she definitely was a little too overconfident that scientific evidence would completely outweigh emotion and storytelling on the defense end.

The “really negative narrative” arose because she did a “really inept job” prosecuting what should have been an easy conviction.

Is her rape also to blame for making her a grossly incompetent prosecutor?

despite the women’s team generating nearly $20 million more revenue last year than the U.S. men’s team

It’s nice to see Jezbians treating an innovator with respect, for once.

This is the most factual, substantive thing ever published on Jezebel.

I know, right?

Off your meds?

NOW isn’t known for making sense.

even if I find it repugnant that she’s going around branding Jackie as a liar.

Here’s the most famous Jezebel article about it, by the most famous Jezebel shitstain.

Her name is Jackie Coakley, and she deserves whatever shitstorm has come to her.

Nothing happened to Jackie.

Her name is Jackie Coakley. This is not a secret. You might as well use it, instead of dishonestly pretending it’s not common knowledge. She fabricated a story and caused real damage to a number of people who have done nothing wrong.

I suspect that’s a common occurrence for an idiot such as yourself.