
Sorry, have to call bullshit on this. Shelter dogs ARE for everyone. Literally. EVERY kind of dog you could want can be found in shelters. Maybe not one shelter on one visit, but they get big dogs and little dogs, smart dogs and dumb dogs, shy dogs and outgoing dogs, cuddly dogs and aloof dogs. Anyone who says they

I totally agree. My pound puppy! Sorry for the size, but I love her and it’s going on 10 years.

I find it hard to trust women (and to be clear, I am one) and therefore hard to make friends with them! I grew up walking on eggshells around my mom, who was pretty much in a state of drug-induced psychosis until I left for college. She was so awful our family therapist refused to see her after a couple of sessions.

They sound like lyrics to a really fucked up version of “You Can Call Me Al.”

Oh, definitely! And her new friendship with Sharon’s recently-widowed mother...if Fisher were still alive, I would be petitioning for a spin-off with those two.

Would have been handy. I looked it up, and it’s a talent agent named Bryan Lourd. He has served on many arts councils, including the President’s Committee on the Arts and Humanities.

I watched Catastrophe this summer and was reminded of what a fucking treasure Carrie was.

Now I get to be just Billie.

RIP in peace The Gawker Glorydays.

I’m sometimes annoyed by people who don’t seem to want to share the sidewalk and walk, at a glacial pace, three or four across, but I always run around them, like a non-sociopath.

WHOSE RETIREMENT SAVINGS AMOUNT TO $1 million!? No they are going to be paying this for the next 10-15 years even after draining their savings.

The ability to pay is irrelevant except with regard to punitive damages (at least in my state).

NBC reports that Neely Moldovan is a successful blogger, with a large social media following

The amount could include not just lost wages, but damages for intentional infliction of emotional distress, attorneys fees because of bad faith, or punitive damages (meant to punish).

a) Went way overboard on wedding costs and months down the road were trying to undo the damage by refusing to pay for anything they could manage to

And this is why, as a graphic designer, I absolutely refuse to design anything wedding related. Getting married seems to bring out the absolute worst in people.

At least the photographer managed to create memories that’ll last forever for the couple.

Over $125???? Nightmare people, calm thy tits. Read thy original contract. Get thee to a nap.

Never Forget.