Vandelay Industries

Wouldn't it make sense for the fire department to use Tesla?....

Its funny a lot of the QOTD i find myself wit the same answer.
Best Factory Color
Best Zombie Apocolapyse

Agree its BS the All Road does noy come with with more engine options.

True...I was thinking since we has the V8 S4 Avant we might get it again...

umm didn't chris harris already cover this?

Now playing

I saw an E 63 AMG Estate the other day parked in brought a smile to my face.

I recently was stuck between the small fuel efficient/fun or SUV.

ass monkey...and i didnt make it through college?

totally agree would get the 335D then...

Scary how dumb you are.

you're an absolute idiot.

You're ignorant, uninformed and I'm 99% sure your 100% of the problem with general American population and if i had to guess, you voted tea party.

I'm 30

Good one. Jabroni.

its my long rant? or am i just dealing with simple people who need full explanations for how and why its 1) wrong for Dealers to have a 33% mark up on a car that was built to be the Economical Exotic and completely obliterate that premise. and 2) That GM is a very powerful company that could have some influence on the

PS it'd be REALLY nice to see Laguna Seca blue & Nogaro Blue on the M4 & S4 respectively...

Simple. Magno Night Black (MATTE BLACK): G63AMG

Technically they do. Unless the dealer pays full MSRP to GM takes title and then SELLS vehichle...which most dealers do not do.

Remember when Honda had a Hatchback Civic and it was great?