
I want to ride Happy-Go-Pukey!

Hannah Horvath is television's best anti-hero since Walter White, and you get the alliteration, too!

nailed it

I will second the recommendation for U-Turn, they're coming along really well. Pro-Ject, also. Plug-and-play for the most part, don't have to worry about mounting cartridges, VTA, anti-skate, overhang adjustment, blahblahblah


"Ere I am, JH"

I just want to say, nice use of the word "herb" there, that's one I haven't heard in a bit.

I like this movie quite a bit, and people often talk about how the movie hides its secrets and what not, but did anybody really sit through this movie and not know that Borden and Fallon were twins?

I'm pretty stoned, yet even I read that comment correctly.



Does it offer a membership?

Bill Hicks was so prescient.

I'm sorry, that really sucks.

That sucks, I'm sorry. Went through the same thing last winter, including the same amount of relationship time. It'll get better, albeit slowly.

Whaaaaa? I live in Boston and want to go to Barcelona…how did this happen??

I don't care, there's still butter, and meatloaf!

I would like to nominate this as an early contender for 2016 Commies, please.

Isaac Newton?

Oh, I was talking about the Sigourney boob, but yeah, that too.