
I can't wait for his role as Rosie.

Now I want to see Cable Bear, where Jim Carrey's role will be reprised by a live bear.

I see your point, characters come close to redemption or manage something that might seem like it for those not keeping score. I find it interesting that the ad hoc execution is carried out by two characters who would both be guilty of murder under other circumstances/differing viewpoints…considering the speech given

I have to completely disagree with your previous post saying that the flashback was pointless and could have been cut. We watch a group of four benevolent white men slaughter an entire cabin of immigrants and black people, the only one who is spared is the one wearing a confederate uniform, and he is told that if he

And that Scorsese guy, what a hack!

Characters have to be likable because…?

Maybe he was just an ally who happened to be old.

Star Wars: Episode 8 1/2

I must stay away from the places where it would be playing. Like…public.

I always thought that the TP theme and Swimming Pools (Drank) would fit well together…someone with some talent get on that.

I don't know of anyone who considers this a xmas song…is it in an xmas-related commercial or something?

I was going to say that's the most asinine reasoning I've read today, but I just saw a Facebook comment blaming the holocaust on the Jews for "the way they were acting" prior to WWII, so you can breathe a sigh of relief.

Or you could just see it without any expectation and form your own opinion.

You mean the president isn't blasting To Pimp a Butterfly on Air Force One, throwing his arms around his staffers, and yelling, "This shit right here? This is my fucking jaaammmm!!"

How much a dollar cost, Michael? Ten dollars?

This is the best comment I've read all day. Bravo, sir/madam.


It will come back to you.

I'll generally sit at the bar at Great Scott for a show, but I promise I'm quiet; I just hate people/crowds.

That whole Pink Panther movie is hilarious.