
I was kidding, Hatesong is a total shitshow. I do enjoy almost everything Will Harris does, though.

You mean, like throwing the One Ring into Mount Doom, but instead, Gollum pushes Sam and Frodo in?

His dishonest arguments sound like a bunch of cowardly lyin'.

Actually, I graduated from Wash U. I believe it's a Division III school, which makes the football about a step above Pop's Warner.

Was Ramsay Bolton gaslighting Theon Greyjoy?

No, dude, she is totally skinning Viserion's face after Bran wargs him.

"[T]hey paid a human being to do it for some reason."
Who's being naive, st anger snare?

It gets results, you stupid chief!

What do you do for recreation?

More importantly, is he sexist. I noticed that he only turned male children into White Walkers and most of his army appears to be almost entirely male. Will his rampant misogyny be his undoing?

Oh, I expected it to be cloudy here, too, so it was sour grapes all around.

Well, there's another total eclipse in Carbondale in April, 2024, so hopefully we'll make it that long.

They predicted clouds where I was at, but we beat them by an hour. About an ninety minutes or so into the eclipse, the shadows started getting really weird, then the locusts and crickets kicked in and the koi came out. There was this cold wind and the street lamps turned on. You could see the stars, but it wasn't

I seems like the best that can be hoped for is a stable border and eventual armistice.

Well, how long did it take for S. Korea to get their shit together? Seems like it was run by shitty corrupt military dictators for quite a while before they got it together. In fact, the country is still plagued with scandals, but the standard of living is high, which I guess is probably the most important thing a

Abortions for all?

I think the main problem in Afghanistan is that the US backed government is garbage. Say what you will about the Taliban, but they weren't into corruption. Their main problem was being religious whackos who allowed a bunch of fools to get them sucked into a massive war. Thieves in Kabul are too greedy to get the

I'm going to Disneyland!

Hey, how did the eclipse go?

If small businesses were run as shitty and inefficient as large corporations, they'd be out of business in a year. The only thing keeping these companies afloat are ridiculous profit margins caused by lack of competition and favorable tax loopholes.