Doesn’t he already have a cool, reliable ride that he can cruise around California in?
Doesn’t he already have a cool, reliable ride that he can cruise around California in?
So if your car gets stuck on the way down, do you get to shake the building?
Give it a more square roofline and a 36gallon tank from the F150 and I’d buy it.
No faith?
Not as embarrassing as all the Liberals that are burning down their cities because the election didn’t go their way.
a camry WITH the dent
Top Gear USA was fun. Screw the haters.
Musings and drivel incoming:
That’s what she said.
Hate on the movie all you want. Yes, it almost killed a franchise.
2049 is the Rush sequel with the stunt track you mention? No mention of Rush 2, aka the greatest achievement in computer science history, and its stunt track?
Based on my research (none), we are far from peak LeSabre.
Best/only sub 5k sleeper I could find on ebay:
Oh. So they’re still doing that.
If hitting it with a hammer does not fix the problem, then it’s an electrical issue.
Do they really need a billboard depicting the mountains and scenery that are literally right behind said billboard?
I’m no XJ fan boy, having merely ridden in one a couple times, but from looking at yours I can see the appeal. I love your color/wheel combo, it is like the classic 90's teal grew up and matured. I also feel like you used a good measure of restraint in your modding and preserved the intended look but nicely expanded…
Where I live in Huntsville, AL, you can visit the Marshall Space Flight Center and see a lot of this equipment on display. To people today, it looks so antiquated. I agree with your statement. The fact that mankind accomplished the feat of space travel with such technology as was used at the time is completely…