Jerk McGurkin

Looks like an 80’s LP cover to me...

No one watched it because the first season flopped. Which is shame, because subsequent seasons were fairly good.

Cheap car challenges cheap car challenges cheap car challenges

Wanna know what I think?

You need a 4.0L for your Jeep, as god intended.

I want to but the Prelube

Oh God! That’s... That’s horrible. I can’t watch. What kind of sick person would do that? Even think to do that? For the love of everything that's holy... Next time, turn the phone on its side.

DeMuro personalized plate request form (please list in order of most desired):

That puddle at the bottom keeps the tires from overheating on the rocks.

Maybe a reach but Dodge Charger. I doubt it would have been anywhere as mean looking if they leaned more towards the concept..